

ProvaStep by Sterilex.

Sterilex launched the NEW ProvaStep dry disinfectant technology providing an innovative disinfecting solution to Food and Beverage manufacturers.

Proveatep can be applied during production during weekly hygiene regimens to entrances, floors with high foot traffic and chiller floors to decrease the risk of cross contamination and increase operational efficiency and sustainability. ProvaStep dry disinfectant works to provide an extra layer of protection, reducing cross contamination and mitigating the risk of bacteria like Listeria. ProvaStep is formulated with small blue granules that can be easily distinguished from food ingredients. Minimal PPE is required for handling; the granules pose no risk of inhalation and do not create a slippage risk when applied to factory floors. The size of the granules are able to fill in small, hard-to-reach areas where bacteria often persist

Passes: EN1276 & EN13697

Available in 25kgs

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Further Information



o Disinfect treated floor surfaces in high foot traffic areas susceptible to Listeria        

o Apply granules to foot pans/mats to treat soles of footwear/wellies on entry into High Care

o Disinfect floor areas with high traffic or fork lifts, pump trucks or wheeled equipment 

o Apply granules to oven areas and corridors to protect against bacteria post cooking 

o Apply around drains to reduce bacteria spreading from the drain back into the factory

Save Water
Make every drop count. Switch to a dry disinfectant to meet sustainability goals and save water by switching away from wet entryway control systems. ProvaStep can be used on improperly pitched, poor-draining floors that don’t drain well and in drain-free areas. Less water equals less micro growth.

Save Money
Make every pound count. Stop pouring money down the drain with excess chemical usage and labour costs. In a US trial, a Sterilex customer switched from a liquid quat foot bath to a dry disinfectant and reduced labour by over 75% – saving approximately USD 7,000.

Save Time
Make every minute count. Quit wasting time titrating liquid entryway disinfectants, battling equipment maintenance or cleaning mats. ProvaStep is easy to apply and may only require daily maintenance. In the U.S. trial, a Sterilex customer saved 14 labour hours/week eliminating daily floor mat cleaning.

Save Equipment
Save money on equipment maintenance. ProvaStep is compatible with a wide variety of surfaces and are perfect for poor-quality floors. It is easily applied by hand into a mat or with a broadcast spreader or scoups.

or with a broadcast spreader


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