Our SOS-Envirotec pollution and odour control systems have been proven in hundreds of applications to make a real differenceto air quality by removing harmful or unpleasant elements, odours and gases at critical production stages.
Working with dedicated partners our skill at preventing dangerous or simply smelly pollutants from escaping into the atmosphere is second to none. On most assignments, we operate with more than 99% efficiency.
Environmental pollution and degradation take place in all sorts of ways, with industrial processes contributing a significant amount of damage. As the regulations from Environmental Health Agencies on odour and air pollution control tightens, many manufacturers are now seeking an effective odour abatement solution. Our SOS-Envirotech division work closely with our dedicated partners to deliver the right odour and air pollution solution for our clients. Whether this is a single odour or air pollution control system or a complete turn key project, we are confident we have the right solutions.
* Annular carbon adsorbers
* Biotrickling filtersBiofiltration
* Ozone Generators
* Infuser Climatic – Patented UV & Ozone technology
* Standard chemical scrubbers
All systems are designed to meet the clients particular requirements, using the latets CAD programmes.
Our teams have engineered and installed a huge range of systems for an equally diverse spread of applications;
* Anerobic digestion
* Animal/pet food manufacturers
* Composting
* Effluent
* Farming
* Fish De-humidification and fish processing plant
* Food Manufacturing
* Oil Recyclings
* Solvent recovery plant
* Waste